Thursday, May 2, 2013

No one told me.

No one told me....

that when you have a baby, your heart expands farther than you ever thought it could.

that i would truly find my calling in life in being called mommy.

that all my dreams and plans for something bigger and something more wouldn't seem so important anymore.

that my heart would find forever love in being a mom to my little peanut.

I love my little maggie so much. Lately, in moments of downtime, i find myself praising God and thanking Him that it took Him giving me a surprise pregnancy and a surprise baby to gently teach me these things. As many friends as i have that have told me how amazing (and amazingly hard too at times) it is to be a parent, i am really experiencing it. I am experiencing the nearness to God, the teachable moments that He has for MY heart in being a parent. Everyday He teaches me how messed up I am as i try to correct maggie's bad behavior, but then i turn and am faced with my own sinful heart.

As I rock Maggie at night, change another diaper, or cut up her food into little bites, i find myself grateful. I am grateful to God for a husband that loves Jesus and loves my family and wants to parent maggie well. I am grateful that i am free to stay at home with maggie every day, to teach her, nurture her and discipline her.

No one told me how much i would fall in love with my sweet little Maggie Grace. Nothing could have prepared me for the joy and hardship of becoming a mom, and seeing the depths of my sin even more.

God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. this is such a beautiful post - beautiful words of thankfulness & beautiful pictures that show what a blessing your sweet Maggie is! thanks for sharing :)
