Saturday, May 11, 2013

5 things i'm loving right now

It's finally starting to feel like summer around here!! :) :) For me, that means i am always in a tank top and shorts and flip flops. In just 3 short weeks, we will be heading to myrtle beach for a month for the leadership project once again!! i can't wait to live beside the beach again ;). here's 5 little things i'm obsessed with right now:

1. This swimsuit from target- call me babyish, call me color obsessed....i love this cute suit. I love it because it's ruffly and modest!!! I am all about a modest suit and this one is so cute!! i just got it and i know it will be my new favorite!

2. Kiehl's coconut lip balm. I have been using this stuff for years. It is amazing. Like a pillow for your lips. I get it at the Kiehl's counter at Belk and it lasts at least 6 months!! it instantly reminds me of summer.

3. These awesome pants from j crew outlet. they may look a little mom-ish, but i'm all about them. i am pairing them with a navy cotton peplum shirt or a bright orange tank for a more casual look.

4.This nail polish by zoya in "lovely." It is the perfect sky blue and looks great with a tan!! It stays on super long and is organic too. it's like clouds in a bottle.

5. Organix sea salt spray- i love this stuff. It is great for hair like mine that's wavy/curly and looks very beachy, plus it's only $8.00 at walmart!


  1. so cute :) are y'all headed to beach project soon?

  2. I enjoyed seeing you at Sara Anne's shower yesterday! I wish I had been able to speak with you more- and catch up on you and Jake, your ministry and summer plans. Kathy Mellette
