Thursday, March 14, 2013

Around here

Lately, things have been fun around our house!! Last week, we took a week to rest and relax since students were away, and we went to jake's parents cabin in north carolina.
while we were there we cooked, played with maggie, and got snowed in!! we also played scattergories nightly, just me and jake <3 .="" p="">then, jake's mom and sister came to visit us!! we never get to see them much, so it was a treat!! also, they let us go to dinner and a walk, just the two of us. i am all about some one on one time with my man.
then, we visited my family in north carolina for a night to see my little sister, who was home from spring break in college.
it was so fun to see her.
she is really growing up and loves jesus so much.
what more could a big sister ask for??! i am so proud of her.
we rested, we ate, we played.

in the midst of all this, i have been wrestling with the Lord. wrestling with insecurity and identity. sometimes, i like to go at life really really fast and fill my days up, and i am coming to realize that while it is a good thing i am adventurous, at times it can be bad.
it fills the void so i don't have to face the hard stuff.
the hard pruning that the Lord is doing in my life and in my heart.
But He wants me to change and grow and be molded into the woman He is creating me to be each day.
so...i also had time to reflect on me. And the main thing i realized is that i often don't get grace.
how He loves me through all my mess ups, issues, and failures.
how He accepts me because of Jesus.
how He loves when i spend time with Him.

i don't get it.

But i am praying daily and seeking Him in His word, praying that He would help me to accept this grace He has given me, and to give it away to others.

1 comment:

  1. very sweet (love the pics). glad you had time to get away as a family & spend time "wrestling" with God - constant battles we all face! love to you sweet friend :)
